
Homicidal, Suicidal and Accidental Wounds


Under medical jurisprudence, when any person is found dead having wounds on his body, it is a criminal case where only one question comes in the minds that either these wounds are the result of homicide, suicide or accident. It is the duty of medical officer to find the facts by observing the location, type, number and characters of wounds on the deceased body.

Definition of Suicidal wounds

Suicidal wounds are such wounds which are found on those parts of body which are accessible to the person who injures himself with the intention of suicide.

Situation of suicidal wounds

Suicidal wound are always found on the front side of the body or maximum on the lateral sides of the body. Because in case of suicide, a person cannot injure himself from his backside. But person injures his vital parts of body

Character of suicidal wounds

In suicidal case, characteristics of wounds are cut, punctured or gunshot wounds at the front part of body which is easily accessible as compare to back side. In suicidal cases the wounds specially are found on throat, chest and wrists.

Definition of Homicidal Wounds

Homicidal wounds are such wounds which are founds on those parts of body which are not accessible by the person himself and these are inflicted by one person to another person with the intention to kill him.

Situation of Homicidal wounds

Homicidal wound are always found on the back side of the body or on such position which cannot easily be accessed by the person himself for suicide, In case of homicide, a person cannot injure himself from his backside. In this case random wounds are found such as upon legs, arms etc.

Character of Homicidal wounds

In homicidal case, characteristics of wounds are puncture of heart by pricking a needle in the heart or by injecting the poison in the base of brain, or cut wounds on ears, nose or sexual organs which are caused in case of revenge of adultery.

Definition of Accidental wounds

Accidental wounds are such wounds which are found on all parts of body which are accessible and not accessible by the person himself and these are inflicted as result of an accident. These are wounds are kind of injuries.

Character of Accidental wounds

In accidental case, characteristics of wounds are found on forehead either accidental wound or homicidal. In case of accidental shooting, the path of the bullet is found in random direction

Distinguish homicidal, suicidal and accidental wounds

Following are the difference between homicidal, suicidal and accidental wounds. Details are as under

1. As to nature

Homicidal wounds are cut, puncture wounds
Suicidal wounds are cut, puncture or gunshot wounds
Accidental wounds are bruised wounds

2. As to place of wounds

Homicidal wounds are found on in accessible parts of body.
Suicidal wounds are found on accessible parts of the body
Accidental wounds are founds on the whole body, especially on exposed parts of body

3. As to number of wounds

Homicidal wounds are multiple in count
Suicidal wounds are also multiple in count
Accidental wounds are either multiple in court or single

4. As to direction of wounds

Homicidal wounds have no specific directions
Suicidal wounds have specific directions such as right to left or lower to higher etc.
Accidental wounds have no specific directions too

5. As to severity

Homicidal wounds have no specific directions
Suicidal wounds have specific directions such as right to left or lower to higher etc.
Accidental wounds have no specific directions too

6. As to weapons

In Homicidal wounds, fire-arm, axe etc are used
In Suicidal wounds, gun, knife and razer are used
In Accidental wounds, no weapons are used

7. As to motive

Motives of homicidal wounds are acquire money, property, revenge etc
Motives of suicidal wounds are domestic quarrels or any deadly diseases
There are not motives of accidental wounds

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