The word exhumation comes from Latin words ex means "out of" and humus means "ground". Literally it means out of ground.
Exhumation is the examination of a dead body. It is lawful digging out a body from a grave, which has already been buried.
The objectives of exhumations are;
• For the purpose of identifications.
• To determine the cause of death.
• When violent is suspected.
• To recover some documents or evidential material buried with dead body.
• Second post-mortem, when the first report is challenged.
Procedure for Exhumation:
District magistrate, sub divisional magistrate and Executive magistrate have power to order the exhumation. The body is exhumed under their supervision in the presence of doctor. The presence of police officer is also required for providing witness to the identity of the grave, coffin, and the dead body. All the acts are done in accordance with law.
After exhumation Post-mortem examination is done by the medical officer. In case of poison the parts are sent to the chemical laboratory for the purpose of analysis.
Parts for Analysis:
Following parts would send for the chemical analysis;
• Earth taken from above and below the coffin.
• Hairs.
• Nails.
• Bones.
• Heart.
• Stomach.
• Intestines.
• Liver and kidney.
Exhumation of Bones:
If only bones are recovered in exhumation, they must be boiled before examination. Maceration by this process is not only recommended in medicolegal post-mortems but also in historical materials.