
Finger Prints under Medical Jurisprudence


Under medical jurisprudence, in criminal cases police have used fingerprint evidence to catch criminals. But in a recent report, the American Association has questioned the scientific validity of fingerprint analysis. The recovery of fingerprints from a crime scene is an important method of forensic science because fingerprints of accused are easily deposited on suitable surfaces such as glass or metal or polished stone by the natural secretions of sweat

2. Definition of finger prints

Impressions of fingerprints. of accused are such marks which are deposited on the suitable surfaces which show the unique lines of the skin.

Types of finger prints

According to the forensic science, following are the types of finger prints.

1. Patent prints

Patent prints are such prints which are visible to the naked eye. Patent prints are deposited when accused has a substance on his fingers such as grease, paint, blood, or ink that leaves a visible print on a surface.

2. Plastic prints

Plastic prints are such prints which are less visible to the naked eye as compare to patent prints. Plastic prints are deposited when accused touches an object such as wax, butter, or soap and leaves a three-dimensional impression of the finger on the object.

3. Latent prints

Latent prints are such prints which are difficult to see and forensic science has to make more efforts to locate such prints. Latent prints are deposited when accused touches any absorbent or nonabsorbent surface due to natural secretions of sweats or oils, fingers leave a deposit on surfaces

Methods of taking finger prints

Following are the methods of taking finger prints. Details are as under.

1. Rolled Impression

In this method, in order to obtain rolled finger print, after inking the finger is placed on paper with turning movements. Finger is rolled from nail to nail in this method.

2. Plain Impression

In this method, in order to obtain the plain finger print, after inking the finger is placed on paper without turning movements

Purposes and importance of taking finger prints

Following are the purposes and importance of taking finger prints. Detail is as under

1. Identification

Primary objective of the finger prints is an identification of deceased person if it is out of identification such as it happened in the cases of explosions, fire, accidents, unknown bodies or flood, it is only possible by two ways such as by taking finger prints or by DNA report.

2. Detection of criminals

Primary objective of the finger prints is detection of criminals where finger prints of criminals are taken by a particular procedure from the weapons used at the crime scene so that real criminal may be detected

3. Conviction of criminals

Detection of finger prints of the criminals on the weapons which were used to perform criminal activity, it is very important to convict criminals from only evidence of their finger prints left on the furniture or other thing.

4. Prevention from perjury

Fourth objective of the finger prints is preservation of innocents from perjury because by taking finger prints from the things exist at the crime scene, proof or disproof that either person accused was there or not at the time of occurrence of crime.

Essential of taking finger prints

Following are the essentials of taking finger prints.

1. Ink roller

It is an essential element of taking finger print that the ink for this purpose should be clean and free from dust. And a little quantity of ink should be used.

2. Washed finger

It is an essential element of taking finger prints that the finger should be clean and free from dust and has been dried before taking print.

3. White paper

It is an essential element of taking finger prints that the paper should be white in color and should be clean and free from dust.

4. Leper's finger print

It is an essential element of taking finger prints that the finger of a patient who is suffering leper, in this case prints should not be taken at any cost.

5. Infectious fingers

It is an essential element of taking finger prints that the prints of infectious fingers should not be taken at any cost until the patient gets recovered.

Pattern wise classification of finger prints

Pattern wise fingers prints have been classified into four following categories.

1. Arch
2. Loop
3. Whorl
4. Compounds

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